Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Starbucks and Sleep Depravation

Does anyone really need that much caffeine?

Is it really worth that much?

I like fancy coffee as much as the next guy, but I have to draw the line at paying anywhere from $4 to $8 for a cup of flavored hot water with some cream and sugar. I know that in some circles showing up with a cup of joe that doesn't come in a brown cup with the all too familiar logo on it is like showing up naked to prom. But if your identity revolves around how much money you stupidly throw away on a warm caffeinated beverage, then you really need a reality check, and soon!

Who says that everything we drink has to have caffeine and sugar in it?

I was reading an article on MSNBC recently about how people are not getting anywhere near the recommended amount of sleep. It is really bad news for teens, sleep deprivation really screws up their development. There are plenty of articles on the internet and in print that say these things, so I wasn't too surprised to read it all over again. It was a slow news day. One thing that did stick in my head about this article were the ads that were splattered all over the page. Normally I filter these things out, but these really caught my eye. It wasn't the fancy Flash animation or the hot girl that caught my eye this time. It was the fact that I was reading an article about sleep problems, how most people do not get as much sleep as they should, and the ads on the page were for Starbucks and Coca Cola.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the two things are related. Just try to find a drink other than water that doesn't have caffeine in it. Sure, there are sports drinks, but they are starting to put caffeine in those too. I lost a few nights sleep to the new Gatorade AM because I had no idea that it was chock full of caffeine.

The whole craze with overpriced drinks with harmful chemicals in them reminds me of the movie Idiocracy. In that movie no one drinks water, the word water is usually followed with the question "like from the toilet?". They prefer this nasty looking sports drink that has something called 'lectrolytes. Of course no one knows what this wonderful chemical is or does, but they don't seem to care either. This hits a little too close to home. Does anyone actually know what an electrolyte is? For that matter does anyone know what Retsin® is either?

Overall, people are too stressed, too sleep deprived and too unhealthy, yet we pour caffeine and sugar down our gullets like it was something we can't live without.

A few more questions to ponder.

Exactly how many chemicals do you put into your body on a regular basis that you have no idea what they are or what they do?

How many people drink sports drinks that rarely drag their fat asses off the couch or computer chair?

How much caffeine do you really need?

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